The Pretty Items an Experienced Stylist Wears to Look Chic

Many of us have a few items in our closets that feel extra special and help to elevate our wardrobes. For experienced stylist, Roz Kaur, that includes her range of pretty pieces. She’s been styling for over 20 years, so has seen and accumulated quite a variety of forward picks, but there is a select group of items in her offering that she deems as true favorites right now.

“I mean we all have to have certain things in place to feel our prettiest, right? Me? It’s kind of about a specific grouping of pieces in my closet. Then, voilà, I put one on and I’m feelin’ pretty,” she said.

Below you’ll uncover the pretty items Kaur adores, complete with visual references that showcase how she’s wearing each. If you’re in the mood to add another pretty piece to your own wardrobe, there are also inspired product recommendations sprinkled throughout.

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