Higher Education in Salt Lake City, UT — Money Diary

Occupation: Director
Industry: Higher Education
Age: 30
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Salary: $58,000 ($53,000 from my full-time job, plus a $5,000 stipend for adjunct teaching)
Net Worth: ~$115,500 ($40,000 in personal savings (including retirement), $15,000 in joint savings with my wife, $450,000 in our home value, minus our $314,000 mortgage (divided by two since we do not combine finances). I know my retirement for my age is low. Our college slashed our retirement benefits a few years ago, so I’m mostly doing it on my own. My wife and I keep our finances separate apart from owning our home together. We also have a joint savings account and two joint credit cards for bills and expenses.)
Debt: $314,000 owed on our mortgage
Paycheck Amount (1x/month): $2,830, after 11% contribution to a Roth IRA
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Mortgage: $984, which includes my half of the HOA and Homeowner’s Insurance. My wife pays the other half.
Health Insurance: my wife pays out of her paycheck
Utilities: ~$100 (my half)
Gym: $30
Spotify: $15
Streaming Services: $26
Phone: $60
NYT Subscription: $6
Savings: $850

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