Best Valentine’s Day Gifts For Each Love Language

Love languages — we all have them, but what exactly do they mean? You’ve definitely heard about them, but in case you need a refresher, the love languages were mapped out in a self-help book by author Gary Chapman, PhD. in the mid-90s in order to help couples navigate the often turbulent waters of relationships. Because we are all different, it turns out we all have preferred ways of giving and receiving love. According to Chapman, those preferences can be broken down into five distinct love languages: Words Of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts Of Service, Quality Time, and Gifts. And as Valentine’s Day approaches, there’s no better way to impress and delight your partner than to gift them something that speaks their language.

According to relationship expert and licensed therapist Samantha Saunders, “understanding someone’s primary love language helps us tailor our gifts in order to make sure what we give is well received not only on an emotional level, but also by showing we put effort into really understanding our partner’s wants and needs.” And isn’t that exactly what the holiday of love is all about?

If you want your paramour to feel special and cared for this Valentine’s Day, it’s time to figure out what their love language is. Below, we’ve broken them down with the help of Saunders’ expertise and picked our favorite gifts for each love language that will make your partner feel extra adored this February 14.

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