10 NYC-Girl Outfits That Were Inspired By L.A. Girls

I recently came across a New York Times article entitled Is New York Turning Into Los Angeles? It touches on everything from cuisine to wellness to style, and in a nutshell, the writer’s take is that ever since the pandemic began, the New York lifestyle has become more laid back than ever, and this has clearly translated to what people wear.

For a refresher, L.A. girls are known for their casual, fun style which can lean a bit beachy (as a refresher, here are some L.A.-girl outfits). The Southern California climate also gives them a lot more freedom when it comes to what they can wear, and it can be argued that the NYC climate is becoming milder, at least over the past year (it hasn’t snowed at all this winter…) Whatever the myriad of reasons may be, New Yorkers are adopting a more relaxed way of dressing as of late, and I have the receipts to prove it.

Below, scroll through a handful of NYC-girl outfits that are giving L.A., and shop pieces women on either coast can appreciate.

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